Embark on a journey through the illustrious career of Sobhita Dhulipala, from her Cannes nomination for ‘Raman Raghav 2.0’ to her acclaimed roles in ‘Made in Heaven’, ‘The Night Manager’, ‘PS I and II’, ‘Kurup’, and ‘Ghost Stories’.

In an exclusive interview with Brides Today, Sobhita opens up about her cinematic choices and upcoming projects, shedding light on her pursuit of wonder and learning in an ever-evolving industry.

Captured through the lens of Rohan Shrestha and styled by Divyak D’souza, Sobhita graces the cover with elegance and poise.

Dive into the world of this talented actor as she shares her journey, aspirations, and the essence of her craft. #SobhitaDhulipala #BridesToday #CannesNominee #CoverStar
